Saturday, January 9, 2010

Popcorn Report What Would Happen If You Open A Popcorn Bag Before You Put It In The Mircowave??

What would happen if you open a popcorn bag before you put it in the mircowave?? - popcorn report

I need to prepare a report for English and help. I want to know what happens when you open a bag of popcorn and pour into a bowl of popcorn. Then he climbed into mircowave? Who steals in the microwave popcorn? Answer the question ...


matowaka... said...

You know I'm not sure but I think it is possible that all emerging economies. or very little, because I think the steam in the bag with the pop-hypothesis generated cooking.therefore my usual bag of hand, but only for the recording.
Now, please go to leave the mother when they are ill and are waiting! Lol good luck
> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;>

zskip62 said...

He would fly everywhere!
What a waste.

Soul Sista said...


Soul Sista said...


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